Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Starting Again

Okay, I'm hoping to get on the blogging band wagon-yet again.  I had a horrible day yesterday, and I really needed to talk to someone about it, but I didn't actually feel like calling up any of my wonderful friends or family members because I was too exhausted at the end of the day.  Let's just say, the kiddos were a mischievous, I was a wreck, and the dog couldn't control her bladder.  I seriously thought about posting something with the title, "Bruises and Dog Pee," but then I decided that I should probably sleep on that one-it's not exactly a great way to start blogging again. 

So, I'm sure by now you are wondering (and when I say you, I have no idea who that is because I seriously doubt anyone reads this anymore) where the bruises play into things.  So, we were shopping at Target, and I made the rookie mom mistake of letting both kids walk around. Usually I have at least one of them confined to a stroller or cart when it's a two on one situation.  This leaves me pushing the stroller around.  I also decided to purchase a curtain rod.  (That's actually what I went to Target to buy).  I couldn't make up my mind about which one to get so, I put them both in the, I mean stroller.  I didn't have a cart because I was using the stroller to confine my youngest.  Anyways, here I am with two screaming children RUNNING around and me pushing a cart with two curtain rods laying across the top of the stroller.  You can imagine the looks I was getting.  Well, I lost site of the youngest, and panicked.  She was being chased by her big brother, and then thought "chase" was the best game ever.  I had to chase her to reach her, and when I did, I slipped and fell.  Thus, getting a HUGE bruise on my knee.  Yes, I did catch myself as I fell to the ground...with my knee cap.  Oh, as we were leaving I was trying to pack everything into the back of the car, and caught my upper arm in the door somehow.  So that is the other ginormous bruise I have from yesterday. 

As if all the above were not enough to fry my nerves, the dog lost her bladder control again yesterday.  She is the world's best dog, but she's getting older, and doesn't even realize that she's going sometimes.  Okay, that is an overstatement. This sort of thing has only occurred twice. Still-it's not fun to clean up, and it's not easy to keep two toddlers out of it. Geesh.  What a day.

1 comment:

Jill said...

What a day! I don't know how you do it; I have enough trouble in Target on my own! There is no way I could have managed a purchase with descision making necessary and two kids! Hope your knee is feeling better!