Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Go B B B Bears

My husband and I made the trek up to Chicago for the Bears game this past Sunday. We spent a total of about eight hours in the car over the course of two days. Four of those eight hours were spent as quality family time. Two of those four hours consisted of Mia screaming her head off-and I wonder why I had a terrible headache last night. Anyways, it was an awesome trip. Although I had hoped for a better outcome for the Bears, I had so much fun with my husband, sister-in-law, and father-in-law. I was so thankful that it was a sunny day. I didn't get cold until the fourth quarter when we were in full shade. I also have to attribute my warmth to the multiple layers of clothing I was wearing. Here is a pic of the scarves I crocheted to show my team spirit.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

LOVE that scarf!! Great pics...even though it looks cold it also looks like you had fun. :)