Sunday, March 10, 2013

ToT: Not a super woman

Here (s)he comes to save the day, Mighty Mouse is on (her) his way...there-it's been in my head since I read the topic for last week's Together on Tuesday blog entry.  This is what we are writing about:  Super Woman Secrets: What is one of your secrets to keeping it all together? Super Woman Shortcuts: What's something you're willing to fudge, since you're so busy being super woman in every other aspect of your life? (judgment-free zone, it probably goes without saying!)

So, I have to admit, being nearly a week late writing this post is no mistake.  I've been thinking about it all week long. I've also been in sort of a funk all week long, too.  A down on my luck, woe is me, out right funk.  It happens sometimes.  I think it happens to all of us. It might have to do with the fact that my husband was on work in Jamaica while I was stuck in Indiana in the middle of a snowstorm, but honestly, that's not really it.  Sometimes, during Lent I just get a little down on myself.  Lent is a time to do some deep digging deep inside and examining what we don't like about ourselves, and what we can do do better.  I tend to go a little extreme on this for some reason. I get a ton of guilt and it builds up inside until I'm literally beating myself up mentally everyday. I even cried today at mass for no reason at all. So, does that sound like a "super" woman to you? No, not to me either. I'm going to do my best to pull myself up by my bootstraps and write this thing though. So, here it goes...

I do have to be honest and say I have no secrets when it comes to keeping it all together.  Most of the time I feel like I don't have any of it together.  I would say having the help and support of a truly wonderful (if he's reading this his head is growing by the minute-lol) husband.  He really is my partner in every aspect of our life.  I have his help with all things from housework to cooking to helping with whatever the kids need.  He is my secret to keeping it all together.  Along with having a great husband, I think the other way I keep it together is to try to cut myself a break. I try not to get bogged down by the looming housework or what have you. Also-I have a cleaning lady.  I think calling her that is a little misleading.  When I hear that someone has a cleaning lady, I think of some woman that comes every few days and cleans the house top to bottom.  I should say, I have a cleaning lady that comes once a month.  It's a huge help.  It literally takes her about 5 hours to clean the house top to bottom.  Now, imagine me trying to do that and take care of the kids at the same time. Not going to happen.  I keep up with the light house work in between her visits, and let her do the heavy cleaning.  It works for me, and takes a huge weight off of my shoulders. I would say that would be the one item I'm willing to fudge on.

Sorry this is short and sweet my friends, but like I said, I'm just not in the right frame of mind to write this post at the moment.  Here's hoping to a "funk free" week next week.  Maybe you can get a little more insight from what other ToT ladies are saying on this topic by checking out the links on the right.


Nancy said...

I love that you have a cleaning lady! So smart. So often I stress over stupid housework and miss out on playing with my kiddos. Hmmm, I wonder which is more important?

Sarah said...

Oh, Lent . . . I can totally relate to that down in the dumps feeling . . . but I think part of being Super Woman is being OK with admitting that and, like you said, cutting yourself some slack. I am pretty sure your kiddos think you are the super-est of all :), and I appreciate your post! From over here in blog land, it looks like your kids are having a blast, which probably has a good amount to do with their super mom. :)
(And Easter is coming!)