Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jan. 29th A pic without a pic?

Okay, I just have to say this, I'm so happy that DPW finally came and picked up the dead possum that was in the road right in front of our house. The possum has been out there since sometime Sunday evening, or possibly early Monday morning.  It was fully intact, with it's eyes bulging out and it's mouth open with it's tongue haning out of it's mouth. Not a pretty site. Because it was almost cartoonish in it's nature and pose, I almost took a picture of it, just so you could get the full effect.  I decided to spare the little guy what little bit of dignity he may have had in his short lifetime. Instead I'll post a pic of a possum experiencing a much happier moment.

I used this image from Google images. It came from The JR Experiment.

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

You are not the only one with a roadkill buddy recently. We had a rabbit get run over on our street right in front of our mailbox (of course!). Finally, I sent the hubs out to get rid of the stinky thing; otherwise, I'd planned to stop checking the mail!